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Attitudes of Gratitude

“As I look around this room, it's hard to not get teary-eyed. Because I know it was you. You all made this possible. You all made me possible. You made me being a…
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In Support of Smiles

You won’t find Dr. Lyle Zardiackas working with metal implant materials at home in Texas, but he still has a grand interest in metals of the classic car type. Since…
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Strengthening Healthcare

A mortar and pestle; a balance; a graduated cylinder; species jars; faience or majolica drug jars; eye-wash cups; Bowls of Hygeia fashioned into ornate candelabra; pill bottles…
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Scholarship to the Band

As former drum major for the University of Mississippi Band, Layne McGuire is used to having people follow her lead. In supporting the band with a recent gift, she hopes to…
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First Scholar Named

Richard Edmonson lost his life to ALS in 2015, but his memory is forever linked to the University of Mississippi. Nathaniel Snyder of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, is the first…
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A Chair Appointed

The University of Mississippi’s Patterson School of Accountancy recently named Kendall Bowlin as the inaugural holder of the Ed Krei Chair of Accountancy. “Being…
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Online gifts for the 2024 calendar year should be made no later than noon on December 31, 2024.  Checks by mail will need to be postmarked by December 31 to be counted in the 2024 calendar year.